Wednesday, February 10, 2010

30 :: 30

About once a year I embark on challenge, make 30 recipes that I have never made before in 30 days. The goal is to learn some new recipes and expand the regular cycle of food in the house. Last time this worked great, I picked up a few tricks and added some great recipes to my repertoire.

Last night I started with this great recipe, with a few tweeks. I didn't have semolina, so I used white-wheat flour (basically wheat flour that has been ground extra fine) and I didn't have spinach or sage but used a puree of basil and arugula and topped with fresh parsley. I also only used about 3 or 4 Tbs butter to make the sauce, enough to add flavor and coat the gnocchi, but not swimming in the butter.

Gnocchi with Brown Butter
1 lb. russet potatoes, unpeeled
Kosher salt, to taste
2 Tbs basil and arugula puree
1 1⁄4 cups semolina flour, sifted, plus more (I used white-wheat flour)
2 eggs, beaten
about 1/2 stick butter
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
olive oil


Start by boiling the potatoes in a large pot of salted water for about 20 - 25 minutes, until soft.

Run under cold water, and peel. Then pass through a ricer.

Mix in the flour and basil mixture. Make a well, blend the egg with the salt and add to the flour and potatoes. Make sure not to over mix other wise the gnocchi will become gummy.

Divide the dough into 3 or 4, and roll on a floured surface to for a 1/2 inch log, then slice into 1/2 inch gnocchi. Place these on a floured tray. (They can be frozen at this point, which I did with some of mine.)

Warm a tsp of butter with a touch of oil in a large pan over medium heat, add the gnocchi and cook until golden, about 3 - 4 minutes, then flip. Meanwhile in a separate pan melt 3 - 4 TBS of butter over medium heat. Cook until the butter takes on a golden color and smells nutty, about 5 minutes.

Pour the brown butter over the gnocchi, season with salt and pepper and top with Parm and parsley.

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