Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hon Tsai Tai... yeah I had never heard of it either

One of the best parts of a CSA is the interesting greens that show up. This week brought Hon Tsai Tai "

"Hon tsai tai is a specific variety of yu choy (aka choy sum) which has a deep purple stalk, dark green leaves and yellow flowers. The entire plant can be eaten - stems, leaves, and flowers. So, eat up!"

As is usually the case, a little garlic and soy sauce works like a charm.


Saute a couple cloves of garlic, then add the hon tsai tai. The tougher stems should be removed, but the rest of the plant is edible.

Saute for a few minutes until the greens are wilted and the stems softened.


Splash with a little soy and enjoy.


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